
Can we all chip in and buy Joshua Alston something nice for having to not only endure, but write about this horrendous season of what they call a "show"?

Also, a funny summation of how much the writers don't give a shit anymore: The woman at the cafe behind Hanna was reading a newspaper called "Las Noticias". Translated that literally means "The News"


I was certainly never rooting for him. Hell, no one really even supported him-his friend and his wife were both absolutely horrified he was doing so. Overall, he was not painted as a hero or "brave".

The worst for me was what wasn't shown when it came to that…when he SPOILER ALERT turned on the scalding hot tap…I almost had to look away

My favorite after-movie response ever was when I saw Silent House. The screen went black and there was an awkward silence, and then some dude just said "Well, that was stupid." Everybody laughed at that, we were all thinking it…

Well, I loved it, personally. Went in only knowing the set up and really for the most part couldn't tell where it was going to go next. This review is a bit harsh, in my opinion.

That was by far the most pompous spoiler space I have ever read. Well done.

Yuppppp. Bob Dylan was my first guess. Then I was gonna get snobby if it was Beatles and say "You have to add (She's So Heavy) on the end!"

I don't take anything away from Modern Family for doing it, and I often don't like the "all politics" excuse, but honestly, I feel like it's the Emmys saying "You have a family that features a gay couple with a child, good for YOU!"

One of the greatest South Park moments ever to me was at the end of the episode where Randy was trying to set the record for the biggest shit-and at the end when he finally does it, he pulls the Emmy from what seems to be one of those celebratory graphics and just sticks it right into his shit. That was amazing.

I'm realizing more and more that some of my favorite episodes of Sunny are the ones that involve the gang experiencing other bars/restaurants, and their sheer surprise/disgust with them. Even the Korean restaurant where they try the best craft brew. Dennis' initial reactions to "Suds" were amazing, especially since I

September 29th is gonna be off the fucking chain.

Yeah, I'm catching up via Netflix and am mid-Season 3. So I had no chance haha

Any dance movie where the team's goal isn't to save the rec center can suck a big fat one.

True story: Dave Chappelle full-on spoiled last week's episode during his set in Denver last night. He was still awesome and hilarious but still…dammit Dave!

You leave my wiener kids out of this, O'Neal!

Oh man…the theatrical trailers are great, but the TV spots are horrendous. The awful hip-hop song doesn't help either.

Well, I think this is the lowest grade I've seen so far for this. I'm still seeing it, because it looks great.

I had a fucking blast seeing this movie! It was just straight up fun, and it never took itself too seriously. So yeah, I really liked it too.