Matt Steele

That song was so topical, and so darkly funny. "So I'm-a pull a fuckin' Jeffrey Dahmer/Now he's suicidal, just like Nirvana." 1994 in a nutshell, that song.

2 more silent car meltdowns in TV come to mind:

I don't think you'd be able to stretch out 10 episodes about Columbine, though. Maybe one or 2 about the actual day of events, but then what? There's no trial. Maybe one or 2 episodes about the media hysteria over video games, music, etc. After that, there's just 17 years of hand wringing politicians still unable to

This really was the cultural touchstone of our time, for people our age. I was 10, just about to turn 11 when this happened, and my mom said "This chase, for you, is going to be what Kennedy's assassination was for me" (she was 10 when JFK was shot). Of course, 7 years later, 9/11 became an even bigger moment, but

At least Reggie got out of it okay, relatively speaking.

And then there was the mug shot debacle, where Time and Newsweek posted the same photo on the cover of their magazines the same week, and one was untouched, while the other was clearly made to look much darker, which was really fucked up.

My main memory is Fred Goldman's excellent mustache. But seriously, I can't imagine how Ron must have felt that night. Did he wander onto the scene while OJ was killing Nicole? Is that what the prosecution's version of events was?

I laughed at that. I love Greenwood's character in this.

It's just insane how out of control that man's ego was. They were divorced. They were clearly not getting back together. Yet he writes these notes so that he can get people to feel sorry for HIM. And he was smart enough to not admit to anything, because deep down he probably knew he was too much of a coward to kill

I hope we get an appearance by John Melendez in a wig, playing young Stuttering John, yelling at OJ for being a murderer.

Agreed. Watching Jennings post-9/11 made me feel like we were all going to make it through, as lame as that sounds. I just felt like I could trust this guy that I didn't know at all personally.

Wouldn't it be 444 1/4?

Travolta looks or sounds nothing like Shapiro, but he gets the slimy essence of Shapiro across very well.

I'd rather he just use his own voice to put his spin on it, rather than do an accent and have it be distracting. When he's flustered OJ, he sounds a lot like flustered Nordberg, to me.

The Kato scene with the cops in the first episode was really funny. "Sir, are you on a substance currently?"

Agreed. He seemed really agitated and flustered at how preposterous the whole situation was.

I just love seeing the unaired footage of Bob Costas getting all flustered, trying to figure out when the hell they'll be on the air, if they're showing the game, the chase, or both.

"You know, Peter Jennings, I really think the cops are going to look into the Bronco when this is done and realize that OJ Simpson is not in the Bronco. They are definitely going to overturn that ruling."
*Chopper footage shows OJ exiting vehicle*
"Thank you, Mike, for that dynamite analysis, as always."

Bruce Greenwood's portrayal of a guy trying cocaine for the first time on Mad Men was one of the funniest and best moments of that show, for me. He really is great in everything he's in.