Matt Steele

Seriously, Randy Quaid in real life has become Mr. Briggs + Cousin Eddie + Crazy Guy from Independence Day all rolled into one.

Wait, there was once a YOUNG James Cromwell? I literally can't picture him as anything other than wise older amazing actor James Cromwell.

That movie made me cry a lot. I didn't hate The Invention of Lying, either, but Ghost Town was really sweet and poignant, which I was not expecting going into it.

Back in the days of cable but pre-viewing guide on screen, I was watching what I thought was the opening scene of Hot Shots for about 15 minutes. I didn't laugh once, and it looked like a big budget action movie, and I was really surprised by how serious it was. It took me a while before my Dad explained to me that

While Joaquin Phoenix and Reese look nothing like Johnny and June, I don't know who else could have done so well in that movie. They both learned the instruments and had their own great, unique singing voices, and I just love that movie for it.

There were a group of guys at my high school who were super into Japanese samurai and kung fu movies, and their enthusiasm for that movie always made me assume it was awful. Then, to their credit, they showed scenes from that movie during a cultural presentation, and it was unbelievably funny. Those guys were all


The self-loathing black cop in that movie really isn't that far off from the guy in Boyz In The Hood, which made that scene even funnier.

Walk Hard is so great. And Jenna Fischer is insanely hot in that movie. But the songs, the story, the jokes, they're all great. Jack White as Elvis is one of my favorite cameos.

Come on, man. That "comb the desert" scene is amazing.

I noticed watching the other day that Good Charlotte actually says "Put Your HEADS On My Shoulders" during the prom king and queen(s) dance, which made me laugh really hard.

I did like the opening to Scary Movie IV where it's Dr. Phil and Shaq in the SAW scenario. I caught it on TV once and was surprised at how much I laughed. But then I never bothered watching the rest of the movie.

"I've never heard of a Saint Hubbins."
"He was the Patron Saint of Quality Footwear."

The whole "Sing a song with her name in it and you'll win her over" scene in Not Another Teen Movie is the best. "Janey's got a gun, Janey Briggs' got a gun…" "Oh shit! She's got a gun! Run!"

I didn't think that you thought that I thought you were going to do it, I just wanted to say, if you ARE going to do it, I'm the Teen Wolf connoisseur, so hit me up. I'll do it pro bono, and won't even ask for some of that sweet, sweet Squarespace or NatureBox run-off A. (A for Advertising Dollars, naturally.)

Oh, I assumed you were joking, but in the off chance you do seriously consider it, I call Teen Wolf!

I think she tried to get some of the runoff Palin supporters when she campaigned for President, failed miserably, and now is trying to come across more moderate.

Well, he did one turn with the bit, then immediately outed himself and said "Someone's talking in my ear, we were actually on TV just then" which killed it. He's a jerk!

Can I be on the Teen Wolf episode? I've seen that movie over 100 times (I had it on VHS as a kid, and there are some wildly inappropriate scenes that a 4-6 year old should not be watching on a regular basis), so I consider myself an expert.

Why the hell did Al ruin the bit? What a dick.