Matt Steele

When he talked about walking off that cliff and having enough time to think to himself, "I'm still falling" I was scared for him. I knew, obviously, that he survived the fall, but that sounded terrifying!

When that phone rang at the end, oh my god…

I do like how they still needed to emphasize how big Sonny Corleone's cock was in the movie. His wife at the wedding is holding up her hands to illustrate how big his "sausage" is, and then she catches Sonny going to go fuck Lucy in the closet out the corner of her eye.

The Wild Horses-Clement was also one of my favorites. Their interplay was hilarious.

This was all but ignored by the judges. I remember them absolutely gushing over how original this take was, which just shows you that nobody pays attention to Seacrest.

Are Cook and the author seriously going to pretend like his "unique" take on Billie Jean wasn't just an almost-identical take on the Chris Cornell version? This is especially egregious when you consider "Light On," Cook's post-Idol hit single was written by none other than Chris Cornell.

Lesnar will win the Rumble. No way that'll get booed. And Triple H is going to job to Reigns at the Rumble. Don't see that getting booed either.

That is exactly who Buting reminded me of and I couldn't think of it! He's a taller, darker haired DHP. You nailed it.

It just shows the discrepancy between the goals of network employees/producers vs. actual journalists.

Watching the investigator interview Brendan, I thought, "Oh, he's testing him under pressure to see how he'll hold up in court. That's actually a good strategy." Then, the horror that actually unfolded was almost too much to watch.

And the sheriff saying "I believe he'll kill again" on the fucking 6 o'clock news before the trial even starts. What. The. Fuck.

I think you illustrated perfectly the mindset of a juror that can lead to these outcomes. Having said that, I believe that Adnan most likely murdered Hae, but that there was no way he should've been convicted based on the evidence presented. I don't think Avery murdered Teresa.

You're not wrong.

You're a child. Seriously, you are out of line and absurd.

You just love all this negative attention, don't you?

The moment when Buting phones Stang after observing Steven's tampered-with blood sample was such a victory, until I realized "There are still 5 episodes left, there's no way this changes the outcome of the case one bit." And, of course, it didn't. But it was great. You could hear Strang laughing on the phone when

It's green in every picture they've shown from the scene. Definitely not blue.

That interview with him in his car on the way to see Steven was just devastating.

Creative doesn't actually decide any of this stuff. It's all Vince McMahon.

Haven't listened in a year but I'm gonna check that one out