Matt Steele

Unbelievable episode. I love Dave Hill but I can't listen to his show AND Best Show every week due to lack of free time. Wyndorf was a delight and I listened to Dopes to Infinity again right after that episode. Flawless album.

My favorite part of these listener calls is when they get into a real captivating, enthralling, titilating discussion on the deepest annals of SCOTTY DON'T

Yes and isn't it great how nerds is cool now and jocks is pumping gas while us nerds rule the fucking world?


Less than any previous Ho Ho appearance. She also dropped the repeating of her name every time someone else says it.

Bass drum. And sideways, no less!

Sound speeds.

"A hole that grabs things? Sounds like a pussy!" Ladies and gentlemen, Scott Aukerman.

I've had a crush on Witt since Mr. Holland's Opus and her CBB appearance made me love her more.

Smarks gonna smark

And he was in full on heel, vindictive, asshole 1999 Vince McMahon mode, not the weirdly babyface-yet-pro-Authority figure he's played over the last few years, so that was just great to see.

It's also not funny. Jokes are just not good and it gets nobody over, Rose included.

Agreed. I was excited for the man and character and how far both have come in 12 months.

We get it, you don't like Reigns and will make any excuse to justify the fact that he's legitimately over now. Wow…

It's C. It's absolutely C.

Cole literally said "He might not even be a WWE employee" reminding people that he could lose. You're all overreacting a little bit here.

Why don't you go away, Getaway? Stay away, Getaway? Get away, Getaway?

I thought GOB's arc was the best of the season. Although I liked the Michael/George Michael stuff a lot, too. Buster the drone operator was also hilarious. Okay I need to rewatch the whole season…


I actually loved how Vernon liked the most sick, twisted, depraved parts of the haunted house more than anybody, but just the film The Babdook by itself was too scary for him.