Matt Steele

"Traci Weew-down?"

The Authority also switched alignment willy nilly in order to get themselves over. I was at the RAW in Boston in early October, and at one point, Stephanie berated the shit out of New Day in a backstage segment for no reason. A bunch of people in my section were yelling "You're a heel, you idiot!" because it made no

I agree with everything you're saying. NXT works so well because they limit all of these things and make championship appearances or title defenses feel important. There's no competition any more, so while they are afraid to take risks, will anyone be THAT upset if the WWE Champion isn't on TV every week? When Lesnar

He was that way with Melina. His book The Hardcore Diaries just shoehorns a lot of his friendship with Melina into the book, and while I think it's fine that he's supportive of the Divas and has built platonic professional and personal relationships with them, it's not particularly interesting to read.

The rhyming newscaster, oh my god. I forgot how much I laughed during that whole segment.

He's been on CBB since he left Earwolf, so I don't think that's true.

I feel like every podcast on Podcastone is like that, though. I'm guessing it comes from the network. But it is fake as shit, and really annoying.

The decline of kayfabe does contribute to things, though. Harping on Kofi's comment is asinine, I agree, but kayfabe does matter. When the characters like Nikki Bella say things like "wins and losses don't matter" on camera, that hurts the product. And WWE's booking agrees with them, because if a heel loses to a

One that most people did not like very much that I also thought was the
fucking worst was the Gelman/Heidecker/Daly episode. Those guys just
think they're so fucking funny with the, "This is a bit!" meta-style
anti-comedy. Look, we get it, guys. You all loved Andy Kaufman, but find
a new shtick, you unfunny garbage

It's amazing to me that Bridgers went from one of the most lovable characters on Deadwood to such a despicable piece of garbage on Rectify. Those are really the only two shows I've seen him in, and he's great in both, but I didn't realize how great he is until Rectify came along and I was able to see his range.

O'Brien not understanding how the plug bag worked was another highlight.

Russel Crowe should be their guest on the Virtuosity episode

Bob intentionally ignoring CBB traditional structure and "outing" Paul before the guest segment cracked me up.

Was just about to post the same thing. He met Stringer but never Avon, I don't believe.

Don't ever be embarrassed by that. I'm the same way. I had to leave the room watching her SNL performance of that song because I was around other people and I knew I was going to break down if I stayed in the room (I ended up enjoying it later on in private).

Yeah, I'm convinced Boba Fett became a big time favorite because of his awesome action figure (and its featured scene in E.T. probably didn't hurt).

'That guy with 6 minutes of screen time is my favorite character, because I'm a "hardcore" fan, and he's bad ass!' - seemingly 95% of the Star Wars fans in the world

His best performance as The Emperor, to me, is the re-shot stuff in the Super Duper Special Edition 5.0 of Empire Strikes Back, when Vader is talking to him. The tone of his voice and the look of his face during that hologram performance is so great.

Except he's fucking amazing in everything he does. If you watch Walk the Line, Her, and The Master and still come out of those movies thinking, "Wow, that's one goofy motherfucker!" then I don't know what to tell you.

If Jackson could have sworn at McDiarmid during his final battle, it would have been so much better. "I have had it with these motherfuckin' Sith Lords!"