
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Star Trek has succeeded DESPITE Roddenberry, and not because of him. He was responsible for the original idea and impetus behind the franchise, but (much like Star Wars), the best stuff has come about from others.

I think people miss the point that Sandler doesn’t make these for us. He makes them for him. To see his friends and visit locations for vacations. He makes these with such a small budget and they make enough to be a success because people are fucking stupid and he knows it. He’s kinda brilliant.

The Byron plot in the first half of season 5 was pretty terrible. And a lot of the other plot threads that were set up in the rest of the season, like the Drakh or Sheridan and Delenn’s son, either never paid off, or were held over for the spin-offs where they were wasted.

Seasons 3 and 4, despite having a few individually good eps, were just clusterfucks.

I think you’re about to have a painful lesson in the difference between “critical failure” and “flop”.

I’m sure ‘being kind’ was part of his $1 million payout.

Absolutely correct. they are NOT comfortable and those thinking they are haven’t tried anything that are considered so. +1

It’s got an 80% on Rotten Tomatoes, I wouldn’t consider that a critical thrashing.

If you’re mortified when your kids act up in public, then this story is not about you. Move along.

Won’t get into all this ranking foolishness. But I willing say Luis is probably the best secondary comic sidekick character in the mcu and deserves more screen time!

Ant-Man is the most fun Marvel movie yet (just edging out Guardians).

Hell yeah. Nowadays, we don’t need more kids. They’re an expensive hobby. That you should keep out of everyone else’s face when it acts up.

Alas, I will remain in the greys...

Josh Gad: Is there any point to him?

There’s a scene late in the film when Michelle Monaghan (who plays Sandler’s love interest, obviously) sees Sandler at a black-tie dinner at the White House (with President Kevin James, remember). Her eyes widen. “You dress up pretty sharp in that tux,” she says, and she means it, and he tries to look modest with a

I liked this movie better when it was an episode of Futurama.

I’ve been on both sides of this as a chef, or server and as a parent.

Re: your last paragraph:

I am the mother of a child with Aspergers. Though he’s quite chill and polite now, he alternated between an angel and a fucking monster from the time he was born until he was four. Lest you think I’m exaggerating, he exasperated pretty much anyone who had to deal with him during one of his meltdowns.

Holy crap I hope the manager threw her out for dumping coffee on the floor.