
“Practical Effects” was not what the second round of Star Wars was missing, and it wasn’t the over use of CGI that made them suck. It was lack of story and character development.

I give my guys a long-ass lunchbreak. I’m assuming they drink (I certainly do)

anything except for Ready Player One. Please god.

How much did Dyson pay Gizmodo for this ad?

She was a sign that the writers had lost the plot.

most notably Dame Diana Rigg (who you might be more familiar with as Olenna Tyrell on Game of Thrones) as Emma Peel.

or why not visit any local shop where they would be glad to help you out, and you have several selections to pick from.

r and climbed Mount Vesuvius three days before it erupted.

Don’t forget his Hammer Horror stuff. He was the Dracula. Nobody will ever come close.

literally none of those were the 1st of their kind. Not one.

How about “Rendering your users incapable of dealing with any other operating system”?

Suck it, haters.

Yeah, I’m sick of the “We should hear both sides” bullshit. The creationism vs evolution argument? Yeah, it’s fucking annoying that the creationists get some legitimacy by the media, but is relatively harmless. The homeopaths, the conspiracy theorists, the anti-science nutjobs. They’re killing people. It’s not just a

Most iconic version? Maybe. But as mentioned above, not the only version.

I don’t think his public shaming was entirely responsible. She had other issues.

But I’m not sure this meets the definition of a “beginner” cookbook. Beginners are going to need instructions alongside the recipes to teach them how to blanch tomatoes or chiffonade basil. Totally not hating, it’s a great cookbook.

He even steals the show within the context of the show.

He made the movie: