
Please stop. The sooner people think wearing flip flops in public is unacceptable, the better.

Actually, I wouldn’t agree that the women of SHIELD are in any way, shape or form well written female characters, simply because you need more than writing female characters as not being defined by romantic relationships in order to make them good characters (also, this is not true, all of shield’s female characters

Another great female character in a superhero show this year: Vanessa. She’s the most fascinating character on Daredevil largely because the writers avoided so many crime show tropes. I spent the season preparing myself for the letdown when Kingpin flipped out and killed her, or when she realized how evil he was and

I’d say pretty much all the women in Daredevil were stellar.

Talking about women done right and you left out Karen Page (Deborah Ann Woll) from Daredevil? She was great in the show.

I like how no one seems to understand what “obsolete” means.

I know I can play music on my phone — that I can even fit my entire music library on my phone as opposed to my ipod — but I still prefer having a separate ipod. Esp for the gym.

No... it’s standard journalism practice. Why would you take issue with this?

The marketing campaign for this was as aimless and uninspiring as it was for John Carter and The Lone Ranger. It inspired no intrigue or emotion whatsoever. The infallible House of Mouse marketers are stumbling just as badly as the actual films.

Is there any more terrifying work situation than when an IT guy tunnels in and takes remote control of your computer? “Oh, this will only take about 30 minutes to an hour. Please hold off on using your machine during this time. Thanks!”

I work in the information technology domain and I’m amazed at the following two misconceptions:

Peyton was sandwiched between Tina and JLD. That lucky fuck.

I work in “Academic Technology” for a university. I think it would surprise people to learn that I immediately distrust every new gadget and technology. I’ve had too many years experience to jump on the latest, shiniest bandwagon.

Computer Scientist = I can’t/don’t want to fix your email.

You know, for all the ally cookies we throw Whedon, people forget that Babylon 5 had two lesbain characters in it a good 3-4 years before Buffy did. And lesbian in that, they were two woman who were attracted to each other, not in a “HEY WE HAVE LESBIANS MAKING OUT WE’RE PRETTY FUCKING AWESOME” kind of way.

I present the most deadly living weapon....

This list is totally invalid without the deadliest living weapon of them all:

You can speculate on that, sure. What we have is the movie.