
Because Creationists are bat-shit crazy people who cannot be reasoned with?

THIS. We. Have. Google. Now.

Re: the fake allergies

Sea level: It really does mean what you think it means.

Lord Baden-Powell should be the spy you associate with butterflies.

I hate that defense. Sure, it was his first day as a superhero. Ive yet to spend a single day super-heroing, and yet I know that knocking down a building full of people, then ignoring the survivors to go make out is BAD. I don’t need to do it first to learn this.

Ugh. Probably the worst book with the least payoff for investment ever written. Stephenson started his career strong, then bought his own hype and has his head so far up his own ass now he forgets to be entertaining, which is a cardinal sin for any writer.

I’m gonna go ahead and call this one.

They did make a kid-friendly version; it’s called Short Circuit :)

Because do we really need a Superman movie with god knows how many casualties and Super Jesus just ignores them all for some random family that could have just saved themselves if they had the ability to rub two brain cells together and a John Kent who thinks children dying is preferable to Super Jesus outing himself?

Since you already picked the best answer (as per usual).

Now playing

The biggest problem for all super heroes now a days is social media and the ability to track them. One villain with even a modest budget could buy certain surveillance tools to get information on the heroes. Or higher experts to determine who the hero could possibly be. Also heroes are reactive not proactive, I feel

In response to #9, debunking The Flash, you forgot one thing:

Google’s plan to defeat patent trolls...is to become King of the Patent Trolls.


Gerber EAB Lite

Maybe the worst adaptation of all time. It’s definitely in the top 5 at least.

Like I said on O-Deck, hope Jean is called out for being an ass cause “We all know you are gay so admit it” is kind of a terrible way to have to come out.