
I would pay so much more money to see this instead of what we’ll probably get.

To anyone reading this that hasn’t seen the original “The Prisoner,” please watch it now.

Honestly, I think the fans are the show’s weakest link. For years and years I had always heard about how Firefly was the pinnacle of human achievement, a work of art that is second to none. That it will cure cancer, prevent baldness and usher in an new era of world peace and harmony.

Holy crap, did I just read the words “sexual tyrannosaur” in an Archie comic?!

I've said it before and I'll say it again now, we need a "new" Star Trek more than we need a "new Star Trek."

Anything by this man:

Will Ferrell as an actor in a movie is fine. His SNL was atrocious. His "yet another movie about a big hearted retard" crap should count as a crime against humanity.

"Dark and gritty". Some people are already getting tired of this.

I'm going to guess the Nolan Batman films. Even today they're really more noted for Heath Ledger's Joker performance than for anything else. They've been picked apart by the legions of the internet for plot holes and overwrought Batman voice. All three are long, heavy films that don't necessarily lend themselves to

You know, I have a feeling Joss Whedon's work isn't going to age well.


Will Ferrell.

I highly suspect years from now the Abrams Trek reboots are going to be dismissed as just a mistake by loads of Trek fans.

I honestly don't think anyone will be watching House Of Cards a few years after it ends, which is bad for Netflix because I think that their library will eventually be all original titles, so they have to make them rewatch-worthy.

This story is a great demonstration of how copyright law is intended to function. It’s supposed to protect an artist’s work from being used for profit by others without permission. The policy of copyright is hard to defend when it’s a bunch of mega-corporations CADing non-profit fan projects to death, so it’s nice

There's a twitter post out there, that I liked when it was copied to tumblr. It said something like "If I had a nickel for every time someone older than me told me millennials are lazy/greedy/entitled I'd have enough money to buy a house in the market they ruined."

You bother because you have a story to tell. Who cares about the Hugos? Who cares about awards at all? You bother to write because you can't NOT write, because writing is your passion, and if you deny your passion, you deny your very being, and that way lies madness.

Anyone who takes entertainment awards seriously—particularly the people who issue them—are in desperate need of better things to do with their time.

I am in the group that thinks Jack Kirby probably did most of the heavy lifting while Stan Lee gets far too much of the credit. Meanwhile Lee gets cameos in Captain America, a character he didn't even create?

Personally, if I were a director and the sound guy used a Wilhelm scream, I'd bludgeon him with a heavy prop. It is just so bad. (Obviously I'd record his screaming for his replacement to use.)