
Manhattan is NEVER a viable data point when talking about real world costs.

The basic premise of these books is like something from an angsty teen's journal.

"Everyone else is so one dimensional, but I can feel ALL of the emotions! That is why they hate me! Because I feeeeeeeeeeeel too much and it scares them!"

Do NOT love your job. It will never return the favor.

Seems like something that's just made for an Easter Egg's or internet discussion's sake instead of anything meaningful, which feels like the thought behind the whole series now that I think about it.

"We have a legend about people like you. It's called Footloose. And in it, a great hero, named Kevin Bacon, teaches an entire city full of people with sticks up their butts that, dancing, well, is the greatest thing there is."

Gabriel had his breakdown because deep down, on the inside, he knows that he's the only remaining black guy on the show, which means that he's in danger of being the next to go.

Whimsical twenty-somethings need to be whimsically slapped. Hard.

Would it be because the Brooklyn train always arrives one minute before the Bronx train, since they're both on the same ten minute schedule?

She looks like she's even less excited about this movie than we are.

Every generation has the Azrael it deserves.

Rick touching the wall at the end instantly reminded me of the final scene of "Breaking Bad," and Walter White's loving caress of the meth lab, set to Badfinger's "Baby Blue." I think both scenes showed what the protagonist really loves deep down inside. Walter loved making meth, and Rick loves killing zombies.

I get the feeling that if Captain America were real, he'd be doing a lot of this kind of thing in between Hitler punches.

But is his book sheer elegance in its simplicity?

This new reality, at first met with great hostility by DC fans

How about "Don't plug another hacker's computer directly into your spy organization's network"?

If you're looking for history-based comics, Action Philosophers is also a great read.

You are aware not everyone knows why or CARES at all why there are so many drake references in this. seriously

I still buy albums off of amazon. Cheap, and it also comes with the digital copy included in the price.

"Eat less, move more" is the equivalent of those people who show up on every diet article and quote Michael Pollan. Pollan's directive is not wrong, per se, but as advice for people, it's so broad that it's basically useless. (And both become even less cut-and-dry when you factor in exercise.)

Unfunniest guy. Ever.