
Kelly and hubby Mark bought a big townhouse on the Upper East Side of NYC a year ago, and they have a mansion in The Hamptons.

She gets paid a lot of money for a pretty cush job in TV which she’s spun off to a lot of endorsements/commercials so I can’t see why’d she want to give it up.

And why would she leave a guaranteed salary, audience, and platform for her to get the many endorsements she does? All she has to do is show up everyday (not even every day!), wear something cute, and act wacky for a hour or so.

DisinterestedPasserby, disinterested passerby, is Hooked on Phonics.

They’re still Paul Ryan’s favorite band, right?

Latino and woman voting turnout would be through the roof.

Agreed. Nothing would say “hey everyone that isn’t an angry white man ages 40-70 come vote for us” more than that.

No, she’s DNC chair which usually means the party is happy with her behind the scenes.

I think we’ve seen that building consensus isn’t Bernie’s thing.

Like Biden got so much done in the past eight years?

If the Dems could figure that one out, they’d be an impressive voting bloc like the GOP.

This. We need to break the GOP’s stranglehold on Congress. Maybe the fair weather voters could start coming in on alternate elections so we break this cycle of “win the White House, get destroyed in the next election.”

I just can’t see Booker as VP. If the ticket were “somebody from NY and somebody from Jersey” that would look awful.

1) There is literally no way they are going to run two female senators from the NE as their ticket.

Well, yesterday talking about the NY primary they referred to 45+ as “seniors” so there’s that.

Season One is a little rough to say the least. Many will tell you to skip S1 but don’t. So many things happen in the first season that don’t pay off for years it’s amazing.

That it is.

I didn’t think it could be Glenn...since they already did the “he’s dead! Wait, he’s not!” thing already, wouldn’t that lessen the impact? Oh, who knows.

...or you could be like Babylon 5, where JMS knew exactly how he wanted to do the five-year run then got cancelled four years in, changed stuff around, then got un-cancelled.

That is the worst possible way they could do it so naturally that’s exactly what is going to happen.