
More confirmation that WB doesn’t want my money. Okay then.

Dude’s got a serious case of Tumbr Nose there.

You know, I’m a pretty big fan of superheroes in all incarnations but if they acted like they did in Man of Steel/BvS, I’d be all for shutting them down.

I think it’s because they’ve said this movie is the cornerstone of the DC Cinematic Universe and all the following movies are going to take after it

I feel great about my decision to not pay money to see the thing.

Ruffalo told the audience that after Ultron, he pleaded Whedon to do Avengers 3 and 4, Hulk 3 and Thor 3.

Unlike everyone else in the Internet that leaned everything they know about Tesla from The Oatmeal?

Tesla claimed credit for lots of stuff that he wasn’t able to verify.

Tesla invented the chair. I read it in a webcomic so it must be true.

Oh, everyone’s gonna hate you, being mean to the Patron Saint of Geeks and all that.

I am shocked they haven’t rebooted Police Academy yet.

Well, I did compare it to going to the movies with a group of four...

So if it’s $23 for two, then it’s 40-ish for a group of four. Screening Room doesn’t look too bad then.

A Ted Cuuz science fair would have exhibits like “What kind of dinosaurs did Adam and Eve ride?”

Nope. There’s Elder Sign (which is a dice game) and Eldrich Horror, and Arkham Horror (which are similar but still not the same game)

Ridley revealed that not only did she know the identity of Rey’s parents—but they are apparently not that important in the grand scheme of things

By “fewer animals” are they endorsing some kind of post-flood evolution?

So Young Johnny Depp is still alive? I tapped out early in S1.

I was really holding out hope that FTWD would turn into an anthology series — each season showing the outbreak from a different community, showing different stages of social breakdown, different responses, different levels of preparedness and just generally different paths down the spiral into survivalism. That’d

I loved Edge of Tomorrow (or Lather, Rinse, Repeat or whatever they renamed it to) but for the life of me can’t figure out what they’re going to do unless the go prequel and how many prequels have we seen that don’t totally suck? Not many, that’s for sure.