
If Thea became a villain we’d probably see more of her and I’m not sure how I feel about that. I’d be okay if she went back to Corto Maltese to wait of tables though.

That doesn’t surprise me any more at this point. We’ve seen way too many shows that feel the need to have an arc that ends up with writers just pulling stuff out of thin air. (“Starbuck was, I don’t know...an angel?”)

I would watch the hell out of a Malcolm Merlyn show but then again “not enough John Barrowman” is my complaint about a lot of TV.

I am rewatching from the beginning with my SO and dear God in heaven she is terrible.

Does it count that she was an alcoholic for a couple of weeks before she shook it off? (Because that’s how addiction always works on TV)

Agreed. The Arrow writers just never seemed to know what to do with female characters so they just kept trying different things with them. They only women on the show that I liked were Moira and Sara because they actually showed some depth.

Well, that confirms everything I thought from watching the trailer.

No kidding. Remember when all media outlets had an “embedded second life reporter” like it was going to be Internet 2.0 or something?

Everyone I’ve talked to said it was terrible so I guess our anecdotal evidence cancels each other’s out.

You forgot Danny Elfman, but yeah.

I don’t think people have gone to see a movie because of Helena Bonham Carter since the Merchant Ivory days.

Yup. A friend of mine griped about it endlessly but then said he was going on opening weekend “to see how bad it is.” I told him that WB doesn’t care about his attitude when he hands them money. You don’t NEED to see a movie. Really you don’t.

Maybe because they deviate from the comics constantly?

That sounds so cheap and awful. Of course they’re doing to do it that way.

Also, I think that if they do what they did in the comics people wouldn’t be all the shocked.

I’m all but convinced it’s Eugene for the same reasons. He hit all the “getting ready to leave the show” notes that everyone always does. If it’s someone else I’ll be genuinely shocked.

I’ve kind of considered Rosita and Sasha to be TWD’s version of redshirts for quite a while now.

Since Glenn already “died” once this season, I doubt it’s him. (Plus, they seem pretty committed to not following the comics too close)

I agree: iZombie > Walking Dead.

You can literally skip all of season two (“the one at the farmhouse”) with no ill effects.