
When I read articles like this I’m convinced I’m some sort of Trailer Whisperer or something.

I don’t like either. They’re terribly overpriced because you’re paying for the brand. I’ve used several no-name brands that take a pen better (less smearing, less bleed through) and are orders of magnitude cheaper.

That issue was amazing.

Good point. I just have to remember the last season of Battlebots.

I would resubscribe to cable if they brought back Junkyard Wars.

It’s like those people that insist there were four Indiana Jones movies! What the hell?

A wile back I watched some old episodes (like from the first couple of seasons) back before viral videos or movie myths and they were really fun.

I agree. They were really scraping the bottom of the barrel those last few seasons.

I thought the beginning of the end was when they moved away from actual myths and doing things like “viral videos.”

“Quality character” hasn’t really been a requirement for the Avengers.

The thing is all this coyness about it is just going to make THE BIG REVEAL look stupid.

Yup. I’m looking forward to the BIG REVEAL like they had in ST:Into Darkness where it was all “I AM KHAN!!!” and everyone was thinking “Yeah, okay. Kinda figured.”

How easy is it to mess up a comic book movie?

I would go talk to him just cause I felt bad for him.

That or because of Batman’s smell.

Was “it was Khan after all” a plot twist for anyone, anywhere?

You have to admire his hubris: he thought people will be more interested in seeing a J.J. Abrams movie than a Star Trek movie.

I was going to mention this myself.

So to sum up the Mythbusters model:

Thank you for making me profoundly sad.