
That and job creators saving money by only paying a woman 60% of what a man would make.

Yup. I don’t think the GOP is as angry with him as they claim. It’s just that he’s not using the approved code words.

That commie Eisenhower and his 90% tax rates!

The refusal to follow up on absurd claims infuriates me as well.

I agree with you but unfortunately that isn’t the way of things any more.

Well, you’ve just described Sploid’s business model.

I always seemed to get more done if I made it out of bed before 8.

I’ve got one:

Come on! Three people working at a law firm that takes its earnings in peach cobbler it totally realistic!

..the non-chemistry of Laurel.

When was she the best? I’ve been rewatching the show and she’s as annoying as all get out since her first appearance.


Yep. Everyone that says something like “it’s going to be awful and I have tickets for Friday to hatewatch it.” You people are the cause of this.

ALL THE STARS. I want to give you them.

Warner Brothers showed their hand when they tapped Zach Snyder to be the main DCCU guy.

I don’t know — everybody bitched about Man of Steel, what with the Superman that didn’t like saving people and the near destruction of New Yo...Metropolis. Now they’re doubling down on BvS so they’re not terribly interested in learning lessons (kind of like how they keep making the same mistakes with their

...the comforting fact that BvS will still have made hundreds of millions of dollars will keep Justice League on track.

1) I’m sure that 95% of the people in Hollywood are doing what they do for the money and fame, he’s just somebody that will admit it.

Oh, this movie will make a bajillion dollars. No doubt. Even people that know it’s going to be terrible are buying tickets to “hatewatch” the thing.

You will probably get more that one shave a blade — they’re double-sided and you can flip them over so I usually get at least a couple of shaves out of side A, then side B, then (flip) side C and finally side D. YMMV though.

You will probably get more that one shave a blade — they’re double-sided and you can flip them over so I usually get