
I was expecting lots of food snobbery in the comments and was not disappointed.

Unfortunately, it’s probably from the people that want to slow down Trump so they’ll go into a brokered GOP convention so their guy (I assume Cruz) will get the nod. (Who would be ironically even worse for women than Trump)

I’m going with the “they are both idiots” option on this one.

For the same reasons they want to make a huckser businessman/reality show star the President of the USA.

Everything was bound to come out in the wash.

Yeah, I figured that out, thanks.

Sorta...I think they missed the last three episodes of iZombie.

Welcome to the clickbait that is Sploid.

Number seventeen will astonish you!

You are missing out. It’s a great movie and Allen plays a jerk (of “80s-era Shatner” proportions) so it totally works.

Thanks to the magic of Hollywood accounting, they’ll probably make their money back and then some (unless one of the actors signed on for a percentage, in which case it will “barely break even”)

With the FF4 reboot it was probably something like “Marvel superhero movies make a ton of money! Do we still have the rights to Fantastic Four? We do? Make another one with a new cast so it’s cheaper!”

Making films that people like is not his job; making money is.

As an antidote to these bloated franchises, can we have an Open Channel on “Best one and done” SF/F book? I think I’m just about done with these things having been burned too many times and I’d love to read a book that tells a story without the inevitable “To Be Continued” at the end.

...but unfortunately they didn’t grow up with me, and as I read them into high school I started to see the formula. Jacques also squandered chances to alter the fantasy racism and nature-over-nurture worldbuilding he’d established...

I always tell people that if you haven’t read Ender’s Game by the time you’re fifteen, don’t bother.

I’m there with you. I was actually going to post this one myself.

I loved Fables, but it sure did fall off toward the end.

It started well, but I gave up on it with all the “wandering in the desert” stuff.

Nope. There were two books. Paul walks into the desert at the end.