
I don’t remember when I tapped out but one night I finished one of the books and realized I couldn’t think of any significant plot points of the book I just finished. Then I realized I couldn’t think of any from the previous book either.

I loved Mythbusters when it was actually about myths but when they started getting heavy into “viral videos” (they’re always hoaxes, guys) and the movie shows (The Green Hornet one with Seth Rogen was especially bad) I tapped out.

Ignorance about technology is practically a requirement for office these days.

Despite everyone bitching about Alan Moore, he managed to write two of the best Superman stories ever.

Boo for Ploom. I vote for “Katlando”

“Not good enough?” What do you want exactly? All 6000 voting members of the Academy to walk onstage and give a five minute speech on why they voted the way they did?

I tapped out after Cyberwoman (by the way, to hell with you for reminding me about Sexy Cyberlady). Between that and the first episode, it felt like someone at 80s-era Cinemax wanted to make a Doctor Who ripoff.

1) Primary voters tend to be more extreme than the masses so candidates try to go further than each other to prove they really embody the party.

“Why” it won is because more people voted for it than the other ones.

You mean how when Crash won Best Picture and it fixed racism?

Yes, those are the kind of Oscars genre pictures win. The dreaded “technical” Oscars, the ones that were given out the day before and hosted by some star that we’ve all but forgotten about. (I just looked it up: they were hosted by Olivia Munn and Jason Siegel — sounds about right) I’m honestly shocked that two genre

The Oscars! Time to give those unsung heroes — Hollywood celebrities — their due.

You’ve Got Mail...I can’t account for those finances.

How about to a week before that one billion dollar Powerball? That would work.

FACT: Every clothing item your child wants to wear is always in the wash. Always. My kid will ask, “Hey, where’s my Minecraft shirt?” And then I go, “Well, did you look in your drawer?” And then they scream, “I ALREADY DID!” And then I realize the horrible truth. I check the washer, and the shirt is there, and I have

first eight seasons of the show

The great thing about an Aeropress is if you don’t like it you’re only out thirty bucks. (We love ours)

“You are having fun wrong” is the rallying cry of the hipster.

130F ? Whatever. 129.4 or bust. Enjoy your swamp water, peasant.

I always love it when people feel the need to say “That thing you enjoy? You’re doing it wrong!”