
To be a contrarian on the first question: I’ve mostly given up on trying to sell people on things. I’ll suggest stuff but I don’t bother with the hard sell any more. If they ask, I’ll go deeper but usually not.

...but you knew of other kids that did it, right? Maybe not personally but you heard it at school, right?

I think that once you have teenagers you are required to forget everything you did when you were one.

The sad thing is it makes it even harder for people with legit problems.

Kes-ska-dillas is the name of my Mighty Mighty Bosstones cover band.

These are the situations where was say something like “if only we had some sort of portal to all the knowledge in the world that can somehow fit in the palm of your hand.”

So not only does she not understand the definition of the word “allergic” but also “deathly.”

Regarding the allergy story and the gluten-free story: I feel terrible on behalf of people that have legitimate medical problems with these things because of the crazy amount of idiots that have decided that allergy means “I’d prefer to not have nuts” or Doctor Oz told them to avoid gluten because it will corrupt your

I don’t know. I’ve seen chefs on the Food Network that can’t pronounce it.

Or maybe the White Walkers will just kill everyone. It’s Martin, after all.

Well, three of the seven are.

That article is terrible. I had to check out at the “buy spices at the dollar store” suggestion.

Yeah, that’s gonna be a given. Grimdark squared.

That movie was so bad in so many ways.

You forgot the (offscreen, but still) murder of a few dozen children — oh, sorry “younglings” my the main character.

They’re decent but don’t expect Committments-level good.

Wasn’t the weed smoking thing already totally obvious already without coming out and saying it?

Or like Al Gore saying he invented the Internet.

One of the best scenes in the show.

So I guess she made sure Lisa Bonet ate no basil?