
Aiming in a firefight is way harder than people think it is due to decades of action movies.

Yeah! Any you can behead people why whipping a chain around, too!

...And Alvarado says it would be easy to “biohack” this healing factor to turn their immune system against them...

I came here to post the same thing.

Not a fan of serrated knives — a pain to sharpen and if you need to saw away at something, you either need a sharper knife or a real saw.

I have one of these and I love it. So very handy and economical.

They actually do a better job of following the books and explaining the politics than Lynch’s adaptation ever did. (“Weirding modules” indeed)

This article is missing the line “If you haven’t read The Martian WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU”

Flash’s villains are all pretty terrible.

Made by people that watched a screener of Avengers

“Filmed on the same planet as The Godfather Trilogy”

It is definitely too much for a seven year old.

That’s a point/counterpoint I’d like to see: “Is Joss Whedon the ultra-feminist he says he is?” I’m going with no.

It’s a good show but quite possibly one of the most overhyped television shows in recent history. If you can distance yourself from that, you might like it.

Nice idea, but Man of Steel has already proven that Hollywood doesn't understand what Superman is all about. Just make him dark and gritty, man.

They're legally prevented from mentioning the truth?

That second episode of Spooks was brutal.

Afterlife With Archie is incredible. If you’re not reading it, you’re doing comics wrong.

More reasons Obi-wan is completely incompetent:

I'll sit at the heretics' table with you.