
Ready Player One is a good call.

When the Marvel movies proved you didn't need to go 100% grimdark these movies lost a lot of their appeal.

Sure, once a universal non-proprietary standard for ebooks comes out.

They already are, aren't they?

You can’t even (technically) have a rain barrel in our state. They are attempting to put through a law to fix that though.

who would immediately say that he would like the regular please, with no further explanation or identification of who he even was...

What? That "the entire world" had a census during the reign of Augustus? No, no Roman text mentions that for some strange reason. The writings of Josephus? He's hardly a reliable source on the matter since many historians believe his work on the subject was "embellished" by later authors.

It's "well documented" in the Bible, which has been quite unreliable in other aspects.

But Henry Cavill and Armie Hammer could be a fun duo...

I hated The Grapes of Wrath when I read it in high school but grew to love it later.

I'm sure they'll go back to what they used to do — six hours of infomercials every night.

I haven't been to one in ages, but I recall it's almost impossible to buy a smoothie at somewhere like Jamba Juice that doesn't include a huge scoop of fruit sherbet. At that point, you might as well go to Dairy Queen.

Imagine you had a job where any yahoo that walked in off the street could get your pay reduced and/or get you fired. Now imagine dealing with a dozen of them all at the same time.

But if that guy isn't made happy, he won't come back in to get another $500 off his $1000 bill.

"cut from both sides"?

You can credit Bob Kane with creating Batman...

Daniel Dae Kim — he's a good actor, but he's approaching James Hong levels of "we need an Asian guy here."

Yep, you nailed it.

HR was fulfilling their main goal: keeping the company from getting sued. Fortunately in this case, their goals and your goals were in alignment.