
I am neither but I know enough to know those are different terms. You can be one and not the other.

Is it just clothes? So that monkey's paw I bought for a quarter is okay, right?

I've seen the pictures. The thing is other artists do the same thing but it doesn't get to me.

Every once in a while I remember how the Romans would put powdered lead in their wine "to make it sweeter" and I wonder what ubiquitous thing we're doing that future generations will laugh at. It's probably something like this.

When Chris Hardwick says there's going to be a "special surprise guest" on Talking Dead, you know what that means. He should just start saying "hey, somebody's going to die this episode and I'll be doing their exit interview next."

I hope they work on Sasha's character. She hasn't been much more that Tyreese's sister/Bob's girlfriend in her time on the show.

It's a sign that they're getting better at writing the show. That would have been par for S2 or S3.

I've never been a fan of Alex Ross' art for some reason. His stuff is just too realistic. When I see a Frank Quitely Superman I think, "that's Superman." When I see an Alex Ross Superman I think, "that's Alex Ross' neighbor dressed in a Superman suit."

Those books were edited? Jesus, I can't imagine what they would have been like before.

This is a great idea for people that have more condoms than rubber bands in their house.

Yeah, I'm not getting this either. Did people seriously like her?

I just think it's interesting that it's universally understood that this happens in the food industry but we expect a higher degree of professionalism from people in other lines of work.

As much as I love BCO, I gotta call bullshit on the first and last stories...

Fortunately, the next bad customer ordered the fish and chips. He put the tartar sauce down his pants to help with the third-degree burns.

So is this just a perk of food service? If I was an auto mechanic and a customer pissed me off, could I tamper with their brakes? That's cool, right? Of if I was an X-ray technician could I just leave the machine on a leeeetle bit longer for someone I didn't like?

Does being around a fat person increase your own risk of heart disease?

Bond fucks up gloriously throughout...

Pretty, but it's just going to collect a lot of junk in those crevices.

On a (semi-) related note, did anyone see that anti-vax lady on The Nightly Show this week? Man, she was terrible. Part of her argument was companies make a lot money off vaccines. I bet the companies that make fire extinguisher make money off those too and I'm still going to keep one in my house.

No, it's quite possible.