
Since there are several religions that seem to think that the existence of aliens is not incompatible with their views and also believe they could be converted, the logical next step would be for them to give lots of financial backing to space exploration so they can start sending out space missionaries. for them to

The two books mentioned in the article about Fletcher Hanks are worth picking up.

Not only were the stories incredibly surreal and violent, what do you do with a character that's basically omnipotent? She was indestructible, levitated and transformed people and caused deadly animals to appear from nowhere. She didn't just kill people, she overkilled them.

I am glad nobody really mentioned Quidditch because the more I think about it, the less sense it makes. I think Rowling was generally pretty good at her worldbuilding but quidditch just falls flat. Yeah, it was all exciting in the movies with all the zooming around but as a game it didn't work.


We just watched Never Say Never Again over Christmas.

...and then had to live with the consequences of them, not just pushed under the carpet by next week

Enterprise better than Wrath of Khan? You crazy.

Babylon 5 may not have had a female captain...

Don't forget the times he died. That's gotta be a mark on your record.

Unfortunately, that means that all the Federation's high falutin' rules and ideals mean nothing if they are going to be thrown out the window the second the chips are down.

Agreed. I know we're all supposed to hate on Rand, but if I had some money and some relative I never met sent me a letter asking me for a loan because they wanted a new dress I don't think I'd even dignify it with a response.

Look — I know you've never heard of me, but I'm your long lost relative. Can I borrow some money for a PS4? I'll pay it back, honest.

I dislike the Cult of Ayn Rand as much as the next guy, but I sort of agree with her. It's difficult to loan money to relatives under the best of circumstances, to say nothing of one you've never really met.

I have to be a downer here, but I assume something like this is a weekly occurrence in LA.

Not so much "evil" as petty and stupid.

Next week's question: "If you really want something, it's cool to shoplift, right?"

All I know is 1) She is awesome on Drunk history and 2) "Lisa Bonet ate no basil" is a palindrome.

The idea that a person can be good at a thing and not good at other things continues to elude people.

it is because there was a Doctor Who comic book or are you talking about Doctor Who in general?