
What is this?

That's the problem with FFG games in a nutshell: they look amazing, but the ruleset is so bloated that what should have been a fun 90 minute game becomes a tedious four hour one.

It's not only that...the movie acts like they want to flesh everyone out but then they just can't be bothered. So what we get is Thorin, The Guy That Loves That Elf, That Guy's Brother, The Guy With The Hat, The Old Guy, and some other people. (Granted, that's more then the dwarves get in the book, where it's

I have been waiting for this since the first movie came out.

The problem with Jackson's directorial style is that he doesn't know when to stop filming, especially with those CGI-heavy parts. He thinks that if it's a good five-minute scene then by golly, stretching the scene to fifteen must make it three times as good!

I'm sorry I can only give you the one star.

You could start by taking out the stuff that's not in the book, then you could go on to cut the scenes that take about a page in the book but ten minutes in the movie (seriously, that scene with the barrels, man).

Do those White House petitions actually do anything? I always kind of assume they're like the button you press at the crosswalk — something to make you feel like you're making a difference without actually mattering.

Every year I wonder the same thing: is this rampant holiday tipping of everyone you come into contact with just an NYC thing? I don't remember my parents ever doing any holiday tipping when I was growing up and I don't think anyone I know does it either. The only people I tip are the house cleaning crew but the idea

Yeah — too bad they didn't have some character that was a friend of Harry's that was really good at researching that could have figured out what that thing was, huh?

Agreed. This movie is so, so perfect.

There are all sorts of planets out there we can screw up in new and innovative ways!


Selling DVDs and CDs is such a pain for so little return I just take then to Goodwill for the tax deduction at this point.

Seriously, this is the only correct answer.

What's the exact opposite of "chemistry?" Because that's what Pierce Brosnan and Teri Hatcher had.

The first time we watched Cowboy Bebop I said "how did they take literally everything I love and put it into one show?"

Bonus points for referencing Steranko.

Once you see Rosie O'Donnell in leather dominatrix garb you can't unsee it.

His Arthur trilogy is simply amazing.