

Sorry if any of what follows is conceptually trivial: I don't know at what level this crowd operates, so I'm keeping it simple.

Plain-english summary of the PRL:

Consider an atom in an electric field. The nucleus will be pushed one direction, and the electron in the opposite. This is a classical way of

In many places an intent to commit crime that can be proved can be punished as the crime itself. If someone failed to produce a drug when attempting to cook meth thay can be charged with the attempt. If someone tries to kill you but are incompetent they can be charged.

Actually Tesla was a strongly asexual, prudish and monkish person, eschewing all interest in sex, as Kate Beaton shows us here. He was quite a lot like Newton—another notorious asexual—in that regard.

I am increasingly convinced that you should write this movie. Other lines you may have for free:

Oooh, could you work in a line at the point in the movie where the top brass are being really thick and Einstein shares his "General theory."

Little did they know that Einstein was a stone cold badass:

If you try to kill me, I vill build a time maschine, go back in time, und poison your grandmudder mit uranium. You vill never even haff been born! Or if you are born, you vill haff de tiny, useless, flipper arms. Do not fuch mitt Einstein, son.

I can see the penultimate moment, when Liam Neeson (as Einstein) has his TeslaGun to the bad guy's head, and he quips, "I'm going to change your frame of reference."

Prepare to see a high concept Hollywood movie where Einstein has Tesla develop him an arsenal of kick ass weapons including a hand held death ray which he uses to fight off Hitler's elite squad of Nazi Ninja Assassins.