
One terrible hijab plus one yuge great American Patriot equals one yuge great American Patriot. Believe me, many people are talking about my patriotism. Many, many people. Everyone knows.

Comment Shitstorm in 5, 4, 3, 2...

But it interferes with non-breakfast making activities.

Is that absolute value, or multiplying negative integers?

If you’ve ever gotten the wind knocked out of you, you know what that feels like. If you haven’t, I don’t know what to tell you. I mean, first of all, you have to realize, I’m not talking about some kind of literal wind. I’m referring to your breath. But the metaphor doesn’t stop there. No, it goes on, much like the

Is it me or could a lot of the stories of Soichiro-era Honda read like this:

Do you recognise either of these men, Ms Swift?


I took it seriously.

Was paying $800+ for me and my wife. Cancelled that, especially after they sent me to some shitty places. Went to Healthcare.org, found something for both of us in the low $200's via Obamacare help and we get to go to our doctors. I don’t make poverty money but I’m far from middle class. Since I pay taxes, I should be

I’m kinda surprised your children have school today — my kids’ school is a polling place, too, and they are off today. That sucks. Hopefull, the school day ends without incident & your kids don’t even realize there’s a bunch of strange adults in the building.

Schools in my district have started scheduling teacher inservice days on Election Day. No kids in the building that way.

My Facebook is filled with people from my area claiming that the voting machines are “rigged” and switching their votes from Trump to Clinton. I work in a government building and people are flooding in complaining and a local conservative representative is telling everyone to demand paper votes and saying that she has

Yet another reason to despise the New England Scoundrels

I like how he went right to the kickers knee...But it’s OK Seattle fans have only seen about 4 years worth of plays to compare.

You’re so right...I don’t care what you think.

David tracy must be so excited to buy this truck 20 plus years from now