
Wow. That was a terrible post. A bit of a stretch connecting this to the Wizard of Oz. Did you lose the football bet at the office and have to use a really bad article template or something?!?!

That tattoo on the back of his leg had me fooled for a moment. I thought that the guy had a prosthetic.

Thanks for the well wishes...

Frankly I’m a little amazed there’s still a modded-out SRT-4 alive outside of captivity. I couldn’t get away from the f*ckin things for about five years, and then they started vanishing, much like the north american honey bees whose growing absence looms over us all like the sword of Damocles, poised to bring about a

SRSLY? Because I can’t find a single MTR or even an A/T tire in a 19 or 20" wheel that will fit in those wheelwells... And if there’s one thing we all know matters most, it’s the contact patch. How’s ANY vehicle on highway car tires going to be an “off-road monster”?!?

Approximately all of it.

Dear Russia, After you finish hacking my emails, please shoot down a passenger plane.

- Jesus when asked his opinion on Tim Tebow

I’m certainly not eager to see this ”revolution” happen. Against it? What for? I’m not against it, I just have a fatalist approach toward what might happen in a few years.

I swear I’ve seen something around here about doing an LS swap for pennies, so maybe he took that literally.

Look up the reference and then come back

Having ridden an old jeep-thing into Ngorongoro, I consider it a miracle every time I drive up a particularly steep hill and the rear seat doesn’t decide it’s done with the ride and try to escape through the hatch with its passengers.

By Jalop standards, newish is anything made after 1987.

Westbrook tends to steal his content from Oppositelock.

Not many people know this but Milwaukee actually comes from an old Ojibwe word meaning “Yeah, but what about Black on Black crime?”

Um, yes you can, but you do realize you just equated storm front, a neo Nazi racist website to Al Jazeera, an actual news organization.

“Pleased to meet you.”

First he buckled Jean Segura

As he should be remembered:

Nothing turns me into a fan of a particular player like seeing them have a great time on the field. Seeing guys remembering that they're playing a game, living a childhood dream, and really enjoying their work is the pinnacle of the fan experience for me.