
“It’s a greatest hits album of all the greatest 911s ever made”

Might want to try writing that “sentence” again.


No, I’m sure they’re still using the same fuel pump forty years later.

That stuff is for reporters.

Do they nit have a reckless driving law where you live, because they don’t really need to know your speed for that. Also, coos don’t give a shit about having to lrove stuff on the side of the road, that’s what a courtroom is for. In other words: cool story bro.

+1 syncro

She looked miserable because she was supposed to be an abused wife. Jack comes off as an absolute psychopath and an abuser. I have absolutely no idea where you get Wendy coming off as a nagging wife. There is one scene where she asks if she can get Jack anything, and he completely goes off on her. he doesn’t lose

Calls someone a juvenile, but can’t stand reading an opinion different than their own.

No one under 18, and most felons can’t vote. In addition, there are tens of millions of immigrants living in the US that can’t vote. So no, 47% of the population are not Trump supporters.

You came to a “news” site to escape the real word? Odd.

I doubt anyone in Oklahoma knows what a kilometer is.

“States right” is only used when arguing against the Civil Rights Act.

I’ll be expecting all you guys to get on Trump when he nominates Arpaio for head of the DHS since he’s actually being prosecuted for a criminal offense.

Outside the car, in gear, with cruise control on with a car that has weird shit going on with it’s traction control. Smart move.

I owned an Abarth 500 for a few years. The engine was built at a Chrysler plant in Detroit and the rest of the car was built at a Chrysler plant in Mexico.

Now playing

Oakland already solved this problem. Woot Woooooot!

Wingnut 400 taught me Muslims have never invented anything. The math conspiracy was created by The Jews to throw everyone off their trail.

I’m not sure, the instructors all filled out the tests for us.

No idea. The school shut down before I got to take Become a Lawyer 300.