
The hijabs cancel out. I learned that in my Muslim Math 101 class at Trump University.

I went down in a similar fashion and the whole time I was hoping I wouldn’t get run over.

Not sure how that would work with Arpaio currently being prosecuted for criminal contempt of court.

Trump was sued by the feds in 1973 for not renting to blacks. His company wrote a “C” on the application for people of color. In one case they wouldn’t rent an apartment to a black, but ended up renting the same apartment to his white wife. He settled with the feds, tried to counter sue l, and lost.

So a guy who was raised by his white mother amd grandparents is racist towards whites and somehow became President of the United States? He needs a fucking award for that one.

FYI, Farrakhan endorsed Trump this election.

This is what I think every time I fire up my old DOHC Honda making over 100hp/L from 1950's tech.

“How much for the little girl? The women. How much for the women?”

Photo of the suspect:

And....Declan Hackett’s internet is now being permanently monitored by the Secret Service.

This is Trump’s America, it’s your fault if you’re offended now. Suck it up you SJW.

Because none of them speak Spanish.

Looks more like he dribbled one down the side.

That would be the sensible thing to do.

Yes, it’s open. It’s a super liberal school (for AZ standards) as well. Bilingual curriculum, taught the kids Columbus was an asshole...etc.

My kid’s school is a polling station, and I’m a wee bit concerned about it as I’m in a state where anyone can conceal a firearm without any background check.

Dude looks like Bernie Mac.

This is America, that’s how we vote!

At highway speeds it feels like you’re driving a wild animal. I road trip mine all the time. Definitely don’t want to drive tired. Offroad it’s like having a large quad.

If you take the roof off there are no blind spots.