
+1 happy tree

Anyone who’s played baseball knows the bloody sock thing is bullshit even if it is real. You know how many times I clipped the inside of my ankle with my spikes? That shit used to happen to me all the time.

Is BJ Baldwin his porn name, or his real name?

That’s not a hot take. That’s a well thought out and accurate take. You even included a valid example.

In this case the “death penalty” should involve letting Janet Reno roll into town on a tank and razing the place.

Fuck Texas?

Fuck that entire town. Seems the police weren’t doing dick about it either.

You’re the guy that blows up his turbocharged engine because he doesn’t think engines need to warm up. It’s the oil that needs to warm up. Takes at least 5-10 minutes for oil to reach its proper temperature.

There’s lots of actual station wagons being produced today. They just don’t sell a lot of them in the US because they don’t sell. You can still buy a BMW wagon, a Mercedes wagon, and Volvo wagons in the US.

Why do parents have to go trick or treating with kids these days?

I don’t know, it doesn’t seem like those cops are having any issues killing unarmed people.

Well, here’s a list of pipeline accidents in the US since 2000, so the odds aren’t that low against the pipeline having an issue.

If you really think the core issue at Standing Rock has to do with the way we transport gas, then maybe it’s time you did some reading outside of a sarcastic car blog.

Pretty apt that this pipeline is named Colonial.


I think it’s a pretty good commentary on different communities and their interaction with police. On one hand, you have people that will do everything possible in order to avoid interaction with police for fear it might end with them getting shot. On the other, you have people blowing money away so as to have an

Let me guess. You’re a Cubs “fan” who started watching baseball a month ago.

How did he fuck up? He wasn’t driving and he seemed to be telling the driver to steer away from the rocks.

You can if you’re a racist piece of shit.

Look at how native peoples are treated. People recognize it’s awful, they just don’t care.