Dino Ironbody

You do-on't…ha-ave…to lie about ref-u-jays!

As Criswell said at the end of Plan 9: "Can you prove it didn't happen?"

You know how in sci-fi stories sometimes characters will list several things, some of which really happened and the last will be some made-up future thing? "This is one of the worst terror attacks in history, right up there with Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and the Olympus Mons Base attacks." That's what all these nonexistent

Ironic since Hammond wanted Jurassic Park to be not be affordable only for the super-rich

I wonder if Trump supporters really don't see what's so ridiculous about him, or if they do and just don't care.

I think he liked running for president waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than he likes actually being president.

I'm guessing the number of viewers who were actually swayed by that is well short of the thousands of voters it would've taken to swing the election.

My dad's both a Trump supporter and a nice guy.

My dad's Jewish, so maybe I have a genetic thing that makes me answer questions with questions.

A lot of shows have had him on.

Why would that make anyone who didn't already think Trump was OK think that?

Just because he has millions of viewers doesn't mean that he has influence on who even one person votes for. Anyway, how can you "normalize" someone who's already been nominated for president by a major party?

Your point depends on the idea that Fallon is objectively bad at what he does, so I think the subjective nature of comedy is pretty important here.

How does that make him worse than the tens of millions of people who actually voted for Trump?

In that case it shouldn't be hard to dislike his stuff but not hate him as a person.

Yeah, 'cause its not like comedy is subjective or anything.

Yeah, he's responsible and not the tens of millions of people who voted for Trump.

I'm a Colbert fan, and I'm glad that he's gained in the ratings recently. That said, I don't get the foaming-at-the-mouth hatred for Fallon. Whatever you think about his comedy, he's pretty well-known for being a nice guy. I don't see how it's worth hating someone because you don't like their comedy.

Where'd you read that Foster wrote the Close Encounters novelization? I know he wrote the Star Wars one, but I haven't seen anyone other than Spielberg credited with the Close Encounters one.

Actually, Jill, you do have a lot of options for being able to speak to the American public; you're just not entitled to make people listen to you or give you a forum.