Dino Ironbody

"A Filmmaker's Jamesfrancolypse"

Has any actor ever played the lead character in the movie version of a novel they wrote?

As Kevin Murphy said in the Rifftrax of that movie: "With any luck, pretty soon we'll hear that 'hurry up' music from Mario, and then the movie will drown."

So I guess hosting The Apprentice is a sure-fire path to the presidency, if Demolition Man's prediction about Ahnold is true.

"Tonight, my guest is AFL-CIO chairman George Meany, and we will be discussing collective bargaining agreements."

How would "exposing" Trump change anyone's minds?

I doubt that any non-supporters were swayed by that sketch.

Did they support Trump before that?

How much creative control did he even have?

He was barely even in the episode.

OK, then they should get as much blame as every other TV show to have him on, which is a lot.

So basically they should get as much blame as every other media outlet to give him free publicity, which is to say all of them.

I don't think SNL has that much influence.

I think you're buying too much into the idea that all publicity is good, especially considering how many campaigns have been killed by bad publicity.

I think you're wrong about who "normalized" Trump. I think the media didn't do that, his supporters did. The media covered him nonstop because people liked to follow him. SNL wouldn't have got its highest ratings in years when he hosted if there weren't already a lot of people who supported him.

"If SNL let him host he must be OK."
- People who I'm sure actually exist

I really like The Book of Basketball, and I'm not a really big basketball fan.

"You mean Spicer is the evil Spicer? I am shocked! SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked."

I believe he was the one who suggested he stand somewhere else.
