Dino Ironbody

"who decides these things?"

When I was younger I halfway knew Trump as the guy that Phil Hartman and Darrell Hammond would play on SNL, so for me this is sorta like a fictional character becoming president.

It's like in sports when someone complains that the ref should "let 'em play"("He thinks he's part of the game!").

"Dave's not here, your honor."

"He builds houses for poor people. What a loozah!"

I wonder if Trump's said anything yet about Starbucks.

I don't buy that being mocked at the WHCD was what motivated him to run. That was before he announced he wasn't running in 2012, and I imagine if the WHCD was what motivated him to run he would've run in 2012 to try to defeat Obama.

You mean that Fallon doesn't have so much power to affect public opinion that he can single-handedly sway the results of a presidential election?

I had a similar realization with Bill Maher; he became a lot less funny to me when it dawned on me that his smugness isn't remotely an act.

Conan and Smigel weren't big names back then, and Adam West was considered pretty uncool at that time.

I noticed when I typed Lookwell into YouTube it said that video was uploaded 11 years ago. YouTube's really been around that long now?

Hate to say it, but I doubt it would've remained funny for long. Also, Conan would never have become a talk show host. Still, pretty damn funny for what it was.

Has anyone else seen Lookwell? It's an unsold pilot from 1991 that was written by Conan O'Brien and Robert Smigel, starring Adam West as a has-been actor who tries to use his experience as a TV detective to solve real crimes.

I don't get why he thought the Drumpf thing would work. For one thing, I don't buy the idea that Trump is a distinguished-sounding name.

He goes "Bing!" when there's stuff.

Mitchell, not Taylor.

Yeah, that was totally a thing.

"I have the most emotional and mental growth of anyone ever!"

Nice try, but it's Trumps all the way down!

I liked the way Carell said "Shut up, Darryl!"