Dino Ironbody

The way she apologized kinda reminded me of something Benjamin Disraeli once said. He said half the cabinet are asses and later "apologized" by saying half the cabinet are not asses.

Go-Gurt would be better for his attention span.

Extreeeeeeeeme vetting! (makes air guitar motions)

Don't forget she said "superpredators" once 20 years ago.

Wouldn't it be redundant now because of Trump?

You said Farage twice.

Is the idea of one party having the presidency for 24 years really realistic these days?

For alt-right eyes ooooooooonly!

He tries really hard to make it seem like he loves being himself, but to me he seems pretty miserable, and not just recently.

I still love Forrest Gump despite all of the backlash against it, some of which was probably because it won Best Picture over Pulp Fiction and Shawshank Redemption.

One thing that really surprised me about his success is that his followers never got bored with him. Early in his campaign I assumed if he didn't self-destruct first people would just get bored with him and move on to another shiny toy, but that never happened. Where's America's short collective attention span when we

I like how you said "I don't have a porch" like a twist in a horror story.

It's not like Jon didn't make a lot of jokes about being Jewish.

Anyone know why Veronica Mars isn't on Amazon Prime anymore?

(Bong hit) But what if six is, like, a color, man?

Nice comparison, but I wouldn't say the Pats were quite as bad in their first 40 years as the Steelers(they made two Super Bowls before the Brady/Belichick era).

One thing a lot of people forget about the Steelers is that they've been around since 1933 but until 1972 they had virtually no history of success. They were basically the Lions of their day. Since then they've not only won 6 Super Bowls but they've also had the best overall record in the NFL during that time, and

Appropriate you should say that here, because in the movie's script when Mr. Tibbs gets slapped he refuses to reply in kind on the idea that that would make him the bigger man. Poitier said the audience wouldn't see it that way, which is why in the movie he slaps the guy back.

I wonder why they decided they needed an alternate name for werewolves but not vampires.

As ridiculous as it sounds to nitpick the definition of "is", I think what he said was actually pretty reasonable in context.