Dino Ironbody

If mainstream America thinks Trump is the solution, then I think mainstream America is out of touch with mainstream America.

Just think, two years from now it'll actually have been 25 years since that episode.

Hiiiiighwaaaaay tooooo theeeee warp drive zone!

Even though I'm looking forward to this, I still don't get why they set it in the TOS era instead of after the TNG/DS9/VOY era.

The character of Daredevil existed long before that movie, so I don't think Affleck has the same claim on being the "original" as the CHiPs guys do.

I wonder why Fred Trump wasn't more famous. Right now I wish he had been, since it'd be a lot harder for Donald to pass himself off as a business genius instead of an idiot wasting his dad's money.

He made Aliens and T2, so I don't see how the Avatar sequels will be hurt in popularity by not being original works.

Well, since we're talking about Democrats today vs. the past, I also kinda doubt there was a time when Democrats were real liberals if you go by the criteria that people saying that use. McGovern might be the only Democratic nominee to fit those criteria, and he won one state, so I wonder if there was ever really a

Sorry, didn't realize you'd already responded to my post before I edited it.

Out of curiosity, who's the last president who you consider a "real" Democrat?

He's been lashing out at critics since his campaign started(and long before that), but all the criticism didn't hurt him enough to stop him from winning.

I believe he's the first cast member from the Ebersol era to die(Charles Rocket was on the cast during Jean Doumanian's brief tenure).

"And you'll be sent to federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison."

Bringing things back to Voyager, Robert Picardo was also in an episode of Taxi.

I don't buy the idea that there was a time when truth and honor reigned supreme; that sounds to me like a "What's the world come to?" cliché. One could just as easily compare Nixon(keep in mind he was re-elected in a landslide a few months after the Watergate break-in) to Obama and say thing have actually improved in

Why would that convince anyone?

Well then, why did Hillary and Trump win the nominations? I think polls like those are better at showing what people like in the abstract than what they want in reality.

Martin O'Malley would've beaten Trump?

Stephen's known for being an extremely nice guy. So apparently he has no scruples because he's had O'Reilly on his show?

The "normalization" of the man who's been the highest-rated(or close to it) cable news host for a decade and a half?