Dino Ironbody

I don't buy that if Democrats would win if they just yelled louder. Why would that make more people agree with them?

I wonder if Rifftrax will keep doing "Affleck sucks" jokes if they riff BvS.

I bet that if the word "cuck" had been popular in its current sense in the '70s and '80s Alan Alda would've been nicknamed Cuckeye Queerce.

The PUMAs didn't stop Obama from winning pretty solidly in '08.

Since when do voters actually want politicians who aren't corrupt?

Snakes are capable of wielding swords?

"Well-liked" and "charismatic" aren't necessarily the same thing.

Responding to both points:

I don't think how well-liked a candidate is is as much of a factor in how electable they are as you might think.

I think the idea that Trump was a terrible candidate is based on a very non-2016 standard for what makes a good or bad candidate.

Was "Feel the Bern" any less of a "cult of personality" slogan?

What is the difference and how is it important in this context?

I dunno; I don't really care for politicians saying things like "This isn't about me." Yes it is, you're the one running for president.

The thing that puzzled me about the Drumpf thing was the idea that Trump is a distinguished sounding name.

"…he mocks everyone that way." isn't a very good defense.

So the free market is bad now, Breitbart?

I dunno; I and a lot of other people thought his thin skin would prevent him from ever becoming president. Who knows whether it'll actually hurt his presidency?

He's very, very educated. The most educated, in fact.

I remember when in 2004 Dubya won the popular vote by 2.5% and Republicans said Democrats lost because they were out of touch with mainstream America. This election Hillary won the popular vote by 2.1% and according to Republicans Democrats are still the ones who are out of touch.

Matthew Perry did a pilot for a show called LAX 2194 which was about, you guessed it, baggage handlers at LAX in the year 2194.