Dino Ironbody

I do think that the flaws in our democracy have more to do with the flaws of people in general, as opposed to "the elites" or "the system", than some people think. I think political corruption, media sensationalism and the like have more to do with human nature than some people think(the type of people who go into

The problem I have with your logic is the assumption that people actually want noble, qualified candidates and that the "duopoly" is the only thing stopping them. I have my doubts about that; People often say they want honest, independent politicians but we usually just vote in the same dishonest party hacks year

I said major presidential nominee.

I recently rewatched Prometheus and I still enjoyed it. Sure, it has problems in the logic department, but I think it still works really well as an experience.

I said nominee, not candidate.

Who's the last major presidential nominee you think was both noble and qualified?

He was in a 1994 TV movie called Island City that was meant to be a pilot but wasn't picked up. It was a sci-fi show about a future where an immortality drug is invented, but it turns most of those who use it into super-strong psychotics(basically Reavers) and the few remaining normal people take refuge in this

I think choosing the lesser evil gets a bad rap. Was it a mistake to ally ourselves with Stalin in order to defeat Hitler? It may suck, but sometimes it's the best realistic option. Anyway, I don't see how voting for the lesser evil has somehow lessened the quality of the candidates. Was there really a time when

Even fake confidence, apparently(I doubt Trump's confidence is genuine).

Remember that none of the crackpots in the GOP race could sustain a lead.

Obama was reelected the year after Beck was cancelled.

Who replaced Beck as the go-to source for crazy? Trump's candidacy started four years after Beck was cancelled.

The people who stopped watching his show.

Him helping refugees seems like a good thing at least.

Remember when we considered Beck's rhetoric to be dangerous? Also, remember how quickly people got sick of his shit? To think there was a time when people eventually got tired of demagoguery and fearmongering.

"Ayatollah Colm Meaney DESTROYS Pop Culture Thinkpieces!"

Cleveland and the Cubs both broke historic sports title droughts.

This "post-truth" stuff reminds me of a time in 2010 when Bill Maher said that the internet had made it so you can't get away with lying anymore because facts were too easy to check.

Fun fact: Michael Sheen changed his name from Miguel Estevez.

Please explain.