
Hard disagree. Donks look awesomely stupid but individual builds aren’t going out hurting people inadvertently or doing dumb shit like racing in public for clout. Donk builds know where they stand in car culture, and they’re fine where they are.

Counterpoint: do these actually hurt anyone? I see rolling coal below and obviously sideshows above, but I don’t really see any issue with people making their cars the way they like them. This is ONLY pertaining to the modifications, not what an owner does after the car is modified (drag race, donuts in an

Meh. He’s chilling on the North Shore while I’m behind my desk breathing shitty recycled air. I confirm my lack of sympathy.

So let me get this straight, it sounds like you waited until you got to Hawai’i to try renting a car in the most notoriously difficult place to find a rental car? That’s… not smart. I had no trouble in January getting a previously reserved rental car from Budget on three separate islands. A little planning goes a long

It got us to the North Shore beaches, but I hated every minute of it.

Until you deal with a loved one with mental health issues, I suggest you stay quiet. “Crazy” isn’t permanent, and can happen to anyone. Society loves to punish mentally ill people for something they have no control over. Imagine being thrown in prison for breaking your leg, or getting cancer? That's what's happening

You insufferable dumbass.

... someone with such a history should not have been entrusted with the care of other people, potentially vulnerable ones, without a clear demonstration that whatever issues put them there are completely resolved.

Which institution? If you can name an “institution” that people can go to be treated for her condition, I’ll shut the fuck up. But when people say shit like this, mother fuckers don’t realize this health care system does little to jack shit about accessible, mental health treatment. And she was a fucking nurse!

Perhaps we should make it less cost-effective for thousands of people to go on holiday like that, then? 

I am continuously impressed by the mental gymnastics that Tesla fans will do in order to justify the bad quality control on their vehicles. 

everyone lived, and the person who owns it is probably rich enough to also buy a small country. They’ll be just fine, if you ask me.”

Who cares either way?

Fuck off. “Personal Responsibility” is the magician’s handwaving that corporations do to distract people like you from their own culpability.

Guns and cars are completely fucking different. A gun is not a tool. You can’t repair your car’s engine with a gun. You can’t install a kitchen faucet with a gun. The singular

It’s 106 miles to Chicago, we’ve got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark and we’re wearing sunglasses.

For greater context, from the original interview on GMA.com: “Heard’s credibility was suspect throughout the duration of the trial, the juror said. Besides how she acted on the stand, several other factors led the jury to believe Heard was not credible, the juror said.

at least it’s a somewhat new angle compared to the absolutely psychotic Depp stans this case unearthed that would respond to my points about the UK court finding it “probably true” that he beat her—”well the UK courts have a different legal standard for defamation and also YOU JUST WANT TO FUCK HEARD YOU PATHETIC

I don’t think anyone with any measure of intelligence is recommending ditching a perfectly good car for an expensive EV to save money.

Even using your close to ideal case, including buying used vs new, you are saving $0.13/mile and paid $22,000, meaning you need to drive ~170,000 miles to break even. That calculation is also assuming gas never goes down and electricity never goes up.