
So, you’re saying we should go back to no grille at all.

Possibly, because a 2400lb car with 100hp isnt fast but it sure isn’t slow either. Its not far off from the performance specs of a NA Miata

You basically made his argument for him. At the price your paying each month, it would take 10-11 years to break even on the cost difference. EVs are great but they really need to come down in cost before they can really compete.

They didn’t offer a 1.5l in a Celica for those years. In fact, I don’t believe Toyota ever offered a 1.5l in the Celica. And unless you were in Japan or maybe overseas, it was only offered with the 2.0l in the US.

I agree the M2 is bloated, but I also felt the same way about our M235i. Compared to my wifes 06 M Roadster, her E36 or my E21, the new cars all feel heavy and disconnected from the road. Don’t get me wrong, they are fast as hell but just don’t have any “excitement” or feeling in them if that makes sense.  You just

Yeah, anyone who builds a less than popular car knows what pain really is. The rear euro bumper for my 79 BMW E21 set me back $500, had to be shipped from Poland and still needs to be straightened and rechromed.

Lets agree to disagree.  Though I am partial to blue.

Another rusty piece of shit. Are you ever going to own something worth more than scrap rate?

I believe they did that with the animated series.

I read these comments and cringe. The battery is a necessary part of the electrical system. Without it, you risk destroying the alternator and other electronics. Removing the cables while the vehicle is running can and will send a spike through the system. Do it enough times (could be 1, could be 20) and it will only d

Have any of you priced Caterhams or Lotus 7's? A shitty one will put you back $20k, “new” will be $40k, $50k or more and that doesn’t even include the engine. This is a NP any day!

I don’t think most people are commenting on the camper conversion so much as the fact that it was built on to one of the most unreliable off road vehicles ever built. That in and of itself makes it a crack pipe at almost any price no matter how awesome the camper is.

What expensive tools do you think are needed to rebuild a rear end?  A $30 dial indicator set up from Harbor freight and some marking compound is all that is needed. 

Though 17k US is not a lot of money for a manual DeLorean, the issue I see with this car is the interior. Locating the parts to replace all the sun bleached items will prove to be expensive and difficult. If it was just mechanical, I might be on board. I love DeLoreans and want one so badly but unfortunately I need to

Ok, maybe “ pocket change” is a bit of hyperbole but seriously, if a person had difficulty coming to grips with $5000 for a 45 year old car then that person should not be looking at 45 year old cars. $5000 is just a start for a vintage car, any vintage car. I don’t care what it is. It seems like a lot of people are

I could never understand how a lot of you think $5000 is a lot of money for a car. Thats almost pocket change in this day and age. The average price for a new car is $37k. (And no, i’m not rich or even well off, just a realist.) Yes, it has a few issues but nothing that can’t be repaired for a fraction of the cost of

We did the something similar. Traded in our 2012 X5 diesel at 60k miles to get a used 2016 4Runner and took a big hit. I felt it was still a good bet because I have no intention on getting rid of the 4Runner any time soon and it will maintain a much higher value for a much longer time. Also, whereas the X5 was

I’m already way ahead of you. I’ve got 5 GMT400's and 1 GMT800, plus numerous parts.

We get it, you don’t like it!  Now move on.