
My favorite. “....the track is always lit.” “So is my brother, but he still needs headlights!”

I was young at the time, like 8 or 9. Also moved away in 85, but I will ask my mother if she remembers.

Pioneer chicken was the best! I remember going to the one on Hollister Ave in Santa Barbara. That would have had to have been in the seventies or early eighties. There are still 2 left in SoCal, in LA. I went to one of them a few years ago and, man, did it bring back memories. That orange colored fried chicken was

I can see your point, I guess I just see those things as simple or basic maintenance that many cars would/do require. But of course everyone’s skill level is different.  What one person sees as difficult and time consuming, another sees as simple and quick.

Out of curiosity, how is an e30 m3 an expensive, unreliable endeavour? Aside from the cost to purchase one now, that is. But S14 is based on the M10, which is one of the most bulletproof engines BMW ever made. And, maybe aside from some suspension bits and body parts, everything else is off the shelf BMW and shared

I concur! All my 6ft and 8ft trailers are a bitch to back up smoothly but I can back my 26ft travel trailer into almost any spot without the slightest issue.

What about grammar nazis? I’m pretty sure that’s a term people throw around.

Or intelligence.

Priestly does currently have a tv show in Canada called Private Eyes which I find to be rather enjoyable. 

That may not be true in every area. I know in Reno, the law is that it has to be left in place for 48 hrs in residential or 24 hrs commercial. and it has to be tagged with the info such as date of tagging, date of tow and reason for violation. Unless it is blocking a hydrant, in a red zone or creating a hazard to the

There has never been a point when this thing hasn't been a deathtrap, even after all the work you did to it. 

Ugh! *facepalm. Stupid me, I get it now.

Whatever! So him/her driving around with the license plate on their car isn’t “exposing” it the the general public?! And what exactly is someone going to do with this license plate information that Jason leaked that they couldn’t have done just by walking through a parking lot?

If it's Trump, then yes. 

You say anemic but BMW was pulling 103 hp out of their 1.8l while Toyota was only able to get 80hp or so out of their 3TC (California spec)

I agree. I live in Reno and every year it’s Hot August Nights (if your not familiar, Google it). I’m so tired of muscle cars, I can't even stand to walk the shows. 


Not entirely true. There is a check valve just part the pump that will keep the fuel line and rail up to the regulator pressurized after key off. Otherwise, it would take a few seconds for the system to pressurise every time you wanted to start the engine.  One of the tests for a hard start is to look for bleed down

Don’t worry, I get it.

A Gravity Falls reference! You are my hero!