Ding L Berry

You're the guy who is shitting all over anybody with something nice to say about the band.

Summer of 2004 I saw the Polyphonic Spree at the Paradise, and Wolf was in a roped off booth with security guys on both sides. He didn't jump on stage, but I'm guessing because there were already 42 people on stage already, and spilling onto the steps.


Was it raining?

space days.

I'm sure everyone's seen this, but just in case:
Walk of Life Project: Lost

I thought it was just a fryolater? He wanted some more onion rings.

Blame Gwen, I am. She squandered all that goodwill generated from the 90s Chicago scene…

(I now have the Duet theme stuck in my head)

Yeah, Seahawks running back in the mid-00s.

I think of Shoshanna Lonstein and immediately have to excuse myself to my bunk.

I skin a buck (symbolic), then bang my half man son's lady, THEN shit, THEN die.

Lord Alfred Tunney eats all of those pencil necked geeks for elevenses…

Dude, please be respectful. Her father died in the privy, not in public. It's only understandable that he shit himself.


Um, excuse me, I asked for Condaleeza Rice.

It ain't no joke!

I don't remember that one… but reading and being reminded of the pregnancy arch, they must have smooshed (lol) at some point.

Yeah… Family Ties, Who's the Boss, Groaning Pains are all probably very badly dated.

Ouiji board?