
Albany, NY

I switched to Verizon with the iPhone 5. I have been having nothing but problems with my LTE data connection. I literally have to reboot the phone once a day to re-enable iMessage, because it just stops working. Also, I'll be connected to Wifi 5Ghz and it'll tell me Can;t connect to itunes, or will not load pages even

Not only is "Only" relative, but so is "Cheap"...

My ATV2 Jailbroken with XBMC is incredible. I'd love to get the ATV 3, but the jailbreak progress has all but stalled out on that, 1080P would be really nice. I need to be able to stream downloaded content from my networked PC, and the ATV requires that its done through iTunes and in MP4 .h264 format :-\

I was referring to the Kotaku audience. But nice rant ;)

Harvest moon was the shit. But you could play that for hours on end without having to worry about your "water" supply...

Black Mesa & the Stanley Parable http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-stanley-parable/downloads

I always hate it when people rail on other people who play social games like this. We're all gamers, some of us enjoy other types of games. What I also hate is the energy concept, that begs you to buy more energy, and the, "you gotta get your friends to play with you" part where you cant get some special item unless

scratch easily*

Where is the "UPDATED: I'm actually an opinionated short-fuse, because we posted an article shortly afterwards addressing that the new phone scratches really easily" tag on this article? :)

Whatever happened to the unibody Mac aluminum? that stuff doesnt scratch? or make it out of the aluminum that they use for my Apple TV 2 Remote? that this looks brand new and its 2 years old!

thank you thank you thank you.

This is absolutely fantastic! His FF6 music captures the essence of FF6 better than the original game itself. I feel though that he may have exceeded the limitations of the actual SNES system in terms of the number of concurrent sounds at one time. Still awesome though.

Jailbreak your phone and unrestrict your 3G usage.

So I should convert all my videos just so they can play on my AppleTV? nah, I'm good with jailbreaking it and watching it instantly through XBMC instead of waiting for handbrake to convert it on my slow ass server PC ;)

Sweet Linkbait title, maybe "Why Apple TV Could Become Apple’s Most Important Product". It hasn't happened yet. Until AppleTV can stream my non-H264 encoded videos, I still need to Jailbreak it for it to become Apple's most important product to me..

Maintaining bookmarks is a pain in the ass for me, so its useful to me.

But it does tho, on certain things. click the picture etc and then click the little arrow thingie at the top right and sometimes it says share. not always, but sometimes.

I played the crap outta monaco at PAX this year. It's really come a long way, and it super refined.