
Without a viewer application for both Mac and PC, this is useless to me. Jump Desktop works through my PC and my iphone. their OSX app is broken as of this moment tho, and connectivity form PC to PC is better than OSX to PC for me.

Yes, iOS has a demo version. Kairosoft games are the bomb.

I would have enjoyed the video MUCH more if you hadn't spoiled the entire thing in the paragraph before the video.....

Hardcore mode, yes, normal mode no.

"*gRuMbLe* *MuMbLe* kid's get off my lawn!"

Excited beyond belief, BUT I don't know how I feel about them straying from the mumble talking from all the previous Lego games... Maybe it'll be good?

"..It's multiplayer modes were not and are not compatible with Blizzard's [Battle.net] service."

and the bugs... ooh the bugs you will see!!

Sorry, the sarcasm didn't come through..

See, and I wouldn't have known that, because I wasn't planning on reading the article that this referenced. DAMNIT GIZMODO! stop telling us half truths.

They legally can in the USA. I heard they were passing laws in Europe stating that you cant falsely sell something as something else.... but that's socialism....

This seems to get worse and worse. Keep taking your cut Blizzard....

My Dad always told me, "There's only enough blood in your body to run one head at a time, Son!"

I'm wondering about this as well. I don't have LTE near me, just regular 4G.

1,000 times yes. This needs to be on Broadway.

Click Signup: 404 not found.

@KingHippo: Why are they complete douchebags? this is the first im hearing about that.

restore to original firmware.

the jailbreak for iOS5 is tethered and not super stable, and XBMC has a "5.0 build" that gives a working version of XBMC for 5.0, look on their forums for the exact link.

Thumbs up for Rob Riggle at the end.