
I'm Digikrynary, I begged for a star! Star meeeee please!!!

All it takes is one pee too many!

the second half of Caprica was the best half.

Having always been a PS player, It blew my mind when I got an XBOX 360 and found out that I could sign in on a friends console and get achievements.

We're friends now.

I'm not as ME Hipster as you, I play FemShep Adept :-P

So much win!:

Because he was hungry.... and then you fed him :)

If you read the article, which you must have skimmed, you would see that in the TITLE of the article it clearly stated "early deaths".

I love how many people poo poo on this. I KNOW its going to look incredible. It's almost as if these people don't remember how much better graphics in games were from an iPhone 3GS to an iPhone 4!

I noticed a LOT of slowdown in that video. It looks fun, but the 360 is really starting to age badly. Either that or it's a bad developer. Probably the latter though, and I'm not looking to start a flame war.

I got a chance to play this at PAX East 2011 and I thought it was the second most fun game at the show, next to Spy Party. Really been looking forward to this game. So glad it wasn't lost!!

LOL @ the quote you pulled from EDGE. You made it sound like they actually liked the game even though they gave it a 50.

Don't forget that MANY of those pre-installed crap-ware applications aren't named appropriately, and you may end up uninstalling a driver or something else important.

Please don't feed the trolls. Thank you.

Yes, I agree that handguns should be illegal as well.

Someone was there, they turned the video camera off for him. Other than that, your comment is spot on.

I was teasing. Play how you feel most comfortable I say! :)

I'm pretty sure that the GTA IV PC port was meant to do that, it scaled pretty well through the years as you increased system specs. even on its lowest settings it was close to the console version on my PC.

Should have said "I don't like being accurate at shooting people." :-P