
I also want to know how deep the roster goes. Does Andrew have 7th favorite animal in each continent?

Regarding Dry Cleaning Fluid...Oh, the good ol’ days when you could buy tetrachloroethylene (perc) at your local home goods store. Before the pesky EPA and CARB regulated it out of use.

Ah, yes that is right - Hella definitely made them. I think Oettinger also had some aftermarket ones.

I have indeed searched for this part before, and found that they are insanely expensive for old Sciroccos and Rabbits that had them as a factory option. I do believe some of the GTI versions are indeed lighted, though I have not seen one in person.

Hardly a “sleeper” with the dirtbike motor popping through the hood like that...but I agree in general.

Phase 4 : Porn

I think it is to keep it true to the original Mk1 GTi - which had drum brakes on the back and vented front discs. Still one of my favorite cars ever..

Even a deactivated phone has the functionality of calling 911 in the US. That is a good reason to keep an old cell phone around and charged just in case.

I think it is right hand drive...but also somehow does not have a passenger seat. Perhaps it is so you chauffeur Shaq around then.

My only takeway from watching that clip is that they gratuitously wrecked a VERY clean VW Rabbit Pickup truck, which for some reason has a plywood door, right around 1:02 :(

Yes, go ahead and use your Freedom Buckles- stick it to those nanny-state socialists and their warning buzzers!

Oh man, door that won’t latch closed is REALLY the worst. It has happened to me during the winter once, when the latch iced up. Nothing like taking a turn and then having the door fly open, which then of course hits the check strap and pulls that out, damaging the edge of the door...

Yes, I love these terms and was also very pleased with the car magazines in Germany related to “oldtimers”. There also seemed to be a subset, especially in Berlin, of “Ost Oltimer” fans.

You would be surprised. I have owned a few Peugeots, older than that, and was still able to find normal maintenance and repair parts fine. Body and interior on the other hand...don’t get me started.

I bought it back in 2003. I had a couple other VWs at the time, and after I built this up, I sold them all for my cross country trip.

I have a 1980 VW Rabbit Truck that is a “forever car”. I bought it from a guy in eastern WA without engine or interior during my senior year in college. Stripped it down, repainted it quickly, put a 1.6 Diesel engine in it, converted to run on veggie oil, and drove cross country on a huge trip that landed me in NYC.

Contact patch depends on the width and load pressure, not just tire diameter. Lots of variables there...I doubt that accelerated bearing wear will be a meaningful issue for most cars though.

RPF1s are an excellent wheel - you have good taste. It is kind of mindblowing how many aftermarket wheels are actually heavier than the stock wheels that people replace.

Yup, this is THE lie that we tell ourselves, not just other people.

I have a prescription for your ailment (or at least some of the symptoms) : Buy a used, slightly wrecked Nissan Leaf. They can be bought very cheap with minor damage on CoPart, and since you don’t care about cosmetics anyway you don’t even need to fix it. There is almost nothing to go wrong with the Leaf, and as long