
I like Aaliyah's music but still agree. I can't figure out how LT hoped to profit from this movie.

Yeah, I don't understand the sacred cow treatment she gets on Jezebel. I don't remember her being that big or significant either, and she made some pretty cheesy r&b. it's not like the world missed out on the next missy elliott or something.

Now playing

The girl playing young Aaliyah doesn't sing well at all, but they were able to find a dress that looks exactly like the one Aaliyah wore.

Am I the only one who seriously does not see the hype in Aaliyah? She wasn't that revolutionary (in my opinion). I don't even see her as a huge 90's/early 2000's icon. Seriously the movie is not that big of a deal. It's just Lifetime.

Are we really sure he was saying feminism was make believe? I got the feeling he was saying that superheroes/movies are make believe. I think it is highly possible it isn't clear what he was referencing there.

Wow. I'm kind of having a hard time processing that South Park is so incredibly on point with this. This episode is friggin great.

I absolutely loved this episode. It made the whole debacle palatable to even the most skeptical "gamer". Free-to-play, freemium, and "free to download" are fucked up business practices that serve only to make the developers money, and do absolutely NOTHING to help promote good business practices. It should be a crime

I did not argue with a single thing that they said in this episode. It nailed every single thing wrong with freemium games and didn't hold anything back. Spot on episode!

Spot on, solid episode.

Sid could be the most feared character, but how could he possibly be more hated than this guy? Sid was a kid who destroyed his toys (that he didn't know were sentient). This guy was evil and stole a little boy's toy/family heirloom! Way more hateworthy.

Hey, even a stopped clock is right two times a day.

I don't disagree with her message about male nipples vs female ones, but coming from her it just seems like

He's a perfectly nice looking kid, but there isn't anything notable about him at all other than his name. Yawn.

He looks like a fuccboi Squints Palledorous.

They highlighted his Islamaphobic statements but the petition includes lots of other shitty things he's said, too.

I would never shame anyone who has had plastic surgery. I understand that need to have certain features changed (my chipmunk cheeks, for instance).

So, basically, this is an ad for a really good surgeon - nothing more.

I somehow suspect this was neither her first nor last experience with plastic surgery. Fail to see anything "amazing" in this nor something we should celebrate.

God this is so harmful! there was nothing wrong with her! What sort of message does this send to young girls? I'm sorry, maybe I'm too old fashioned but there is nothing good about this. It sends a horrible message. I'm sorry this woman wasn't told as a child that she was beautiful just the way she was. This points to

I was thinking that too. She looks beautiful, don't get me wrong, but not quite real. Like it's a mask. And I thought it was strange that we have barely any video of her talking afterwards. Before her face was animated and she was talking. After, it's like she had to keep it very still in a very careful pose. The