@enough_is_enough: Haha, try looking at them as a biracial person. It's even more fun.
@enough_is_enough: Haha, try looking at them as a biracial person. It's even more fun.
I just wish this whole thing would be put through with an executive order, like with the end of interracial marriage bans. You can't put people's civil rights to a vote. As displayed in the wiki of the Loving v. Virginia case:
Really? They both used the same photograph? How lazy. A quick image search reveals many more interesting pictures of the woman, whose rights could have been bought.
Haha, I can't believe Colbert actually asked if she was a "piker". Either he was trying to shock her, or didn't understand how horrible that word is to describe an Irish person.
@hungryhungrycaterpillar: Oh, yeah, I hadn't considered that. Before the US elections here recently, I knew that both green party candidates in my state nearly lined up perfectly with my beliefs on the issues... but I voted democratic because I just couldn't risk the guilt of having a republican win because of a…
There needs to be a new word for people that make up ailments for teh interwebs? Web Münchausen Syndrome?
@Gnatalby: Don't forget an entire gender, but at least two races as well! Gotta love narrowing down your options! Your ghetto, ghetto options.
This is why you don't use the word ghetto to describe things or people, folks.
@brunetteburdette: Seriously, even the little, less life-threatening and killing things about losing EVERYTHING have such horrible repercussions. After my stepdad moved away, his family home burned down. I have never seen more than like two pictures or items from his childhood. It has a long-long lasting effect to see…
@lodown (is waiting for MizJenkins): Isn't it called a blackout when you fill in all squares of bingo?
@AtomiClash humanitarian mizanthrope: Haha, good panda joke. I can only speak as a professional painter that the bulb of the nose does look glaringly different. I know you can shade the nose to make it look different, but it looks structurally different.
@killedbyllamas: Despite all the woes of facebook hand-wringing, I think the outcome is positive when it comes to being a consumer. Of course I'm on the design side, and not the marketing side. But seeing these companies doing the same thing you or anyone else is doing on their respective facebook page, combined with…
@mordicai: You know, that's the saddest part. They weren't people who were actively assholes about it. They just didn't see their latent prejudice in not seeing the parallel between the situations. I totally stand by the fact, though, that if something like that happened to San Francisco, or a New England town,…
@1girl: God, this thread made me burst out laughing, and maintainance in my apartment. AWKWARD.
@punkrockgirl: Haha, yes, that's silly. But as someone with a personal portfolio website, business cards, portfolio, etc, it's hilarious to start seeing people tweak their names, choose their picture carefully, choose quotes that speak to an image of themselves they want to portray, and share links that make them look…
It's absolutely fascinating as a designer watching people that used to be oblivious to what I do getting so involved in self-branding.
@mordicai: Also totally agree with the last line. While it was happening, and I was having conversations with people that didn't "get it", drawing out a more white city in an example like that usually made them go "oh..." and look a little sick.
I can't tell if the Jeff Koons reference in #6 is intentional or not... but that expression is FIERCE.
Man, that is some good art direction. Bravo.
@ladyversionofcourbet'sdesperateman: I know Gaga is different, which is why my primary example was Bowie. I understand why that outfit is the way it is, I know about the gender and uniform look. The thing that doesn't cut it for me, though, in relating it to blue-collar uniforms, is that it's so -specific-. Instead of…