
Well he figured out how to land rockets back on earth after launching them and figured out how make electric cars and still no one has caught up to him, but go ahead and state he is not very bright.

Tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me you didn’t read the article.

You really need to read the article.

All of that is mentioned in the article?

‘Cancel Culture’ in terms of invading another country and killing everyone is sight because you want to.

You had me until the side profile shot! Looks like there is a pickup truck bed on that thing with how much body is behind the doors. Needs like a foot cut out between the back wheels and doors to look right. 

Once companies can figure out how to recoup money off the giant wasted asset that is office space they’ll let people resume working from home.

“But Google isn’t reading the room. If company officials think a free e-scooter will make people want to work in the office again when just 17% of workers say they don’t want to go back into the office, this really won’t work out the way they think it will.”

“Best Soundtrack” should be awarded to all V10's.

The problem is that there are not very many smart buyers out there, at least not ones who know how to manage their finances and properly leverage debt. I was fortunate to have been taught by my extremely frugal (cheap) father from a young age and that was reinforced through grad school and my experience in strategic

I really don’t understand why this is so much worse than so many of the cars we claim to love on here.

I really don’t understand why this is so much worse than so many of the cars we claim to love on here.

Subaru’s mis-machined 2020+(?) wheels. They did not even bother to align the bolt pattern to the design nor the blacked out paint. So five bolts at unequal distances on a six/twelve design (that is kinda subaru ugly to begin with).

Any wheel where the number of spokes is not evenly divisible by the number of visible lugs.

As much as I often complain about the tactics of the rich in avoiding and at times outright evading taxes with impunity I am completely with the boat owner here.

Since all the tectonic plates float on magma, we all live on boats too and are not subject property tax.

It seems like every time I buy a new car, I struggle to remove its oil filter because the previous owner decided to crank that sucker down tight. the car hasn’t run in over 20 years and there’s 27 inches of rust/grease creating an impenetrable seal between the filter and engine. Also, the engine bay currently being

This was a neat read. I really like these DIY projects that kind of “bring the most” out of the car you have. Your sound deadening and insulation mods are something I feel like a lot of people would overlook without realizing how much they can do for their car’s refinement.

This article is literally a bunch of fluff around a video.