Dezerus Richardson

Heck, Apple does better than this. They can be a little strange sometimes, but they never rob their clients from money they promised them.

Just don't forget the brown and bloom.

Because it's XKCD. XKCD is, by default, humorous, even if it's not actually funny.

Honestly, I've never even heard of a Minke Whale.

Indeed, but not quite. Ironbuds are made of higher quality materials, supposedly. Results in the field could be different, but there's no way to tell without using them.

Don't think I don't see that Aperture logo up there...

Thanks for that. I'm now entirely sure that my grammar naziism has not, in fact, made me all but human.

As a 3D artist, I'd love to be able to do this... Pretty much any way other than a mouse and keyboard. The tools are most certainly not suited to the task.

Looking into it. Kind of broke today, but I'll be getting a $100 check for... something tomorrow.

I tried to log in... Now I just get the spinny loading icon when I open the page. I've had it open for over an hour now.

And then you can buy a pair of Ironbuds... Found 'em on Kickstarter yesterday. Wonder why Giz hasn't run an article yet.

You know, considering the look of the photos, it wouldn't surprise me if the photographer had a time machine.

It's China. They'll just walk twenty blocks down the street to the next sweatshop and get a job there.

How do I know you're not one? Hmmmm?

Pulmonary Thrombosis commonly occurs on people who fly in planes for long periods of time.

Seriously. If they find one of the higher ranking members, then there goes the organization. Dick zappers can do a lot of things.

Hmm.. Who wants to take a guess as to what Lulzsec/Anonymous will be doing in the near future?

Well, I suppose, if nothing else, taking waste heat from the CPU and throwing it back into the battery can extend battery life by a few hours... Which is a good start. Now plate the lid in them, and stick it out in the sun.

No, that's preposterous.

Actually... Was there a "Kwame Opam" on the NotW editor's list?